Friday 2 August 2013

Let me go

Let me go
Please set me free
Don't clip my wings
See me fly higher, let me be

Don't call me back
To this wretched world of hate
I just want to fly
Far out; to a different place

Over the moon and
Into the world unknown
I hope I will find happiness
And never be alone

Just don't let jealousy blind you
Admire my spirt and colour
Don't set a trap for me
For I might somehow return the favour

I hope I meet someone there
Worthy of my company
I'll try not to condemn the past
So I can escape the misery.

But it's just a far of surreal dream
I am scared of shattering the mirage
That other world could all just be a picture
An inviting but lifeless collage.

But I will take that chance
Risk everything in search of the special.
And maybe I will find it or
Lose everything for a life too simple

So let me go
And smile and wave goodbye
I promise I will return
To bring back happiness; I will serve as your ally.

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